Vital Hydration and Wellness


Body Contouring (Fat Reduction and Muscle Building)

Lose Fat and Build muscle. You can choose this as a combined treatment or as an individual treatment option. These treatments can help support any weight loss program while minimizing skin laxity and muscle wasting.

Compression Therapy

Compression Boot Therapy: Use intermittent pneumatic compression to improve circulation. This therapy reduces muscle soreness and leg swelling, improves knee pain, decreases post-operative recovery time and sprained ankles.

Halo Sauna/ Infrared Sauna/ Red Light Therapy

Microsized particles of dry salt are inhaled by the respiratory system and absorbed by the skin to cleanse the respiratory system and improve various skin conditions. Salt therapy may eliminate the root of inflammatory, and respiratory illness in the lower and upper-track and help with psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. Infrared and red light therapy can support: Better sleep, relaxation, deto... Read More

Microsized particles of dry salt are inhaled by the respiratory system and absorbed by the skin to cleanse the respiratory system and improve various skin conditions. Salt therapy may eliminate the root of inflammatory, and respiratory illness in the lower and upper-track and help with psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin.
Infrared and red light therapy can support: Better sleep, relaxation, detoxification, weight loss, relief from sore muscles, relief from joint pain such as arthritis, clear and tighter skin, and improved circulation

IV Infusions

Nutrient deficiencies affect 2 billion people worldwide due to poor diet, obesity, aging, or simply because our foods lack adequate micronutrient concentrations. IV routes may be the most effective way to correct vitamin and mineral deficits.

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that involves breathing a higher concentration of oxygen in a pressurized chamber. This allows oxygen to dissolve more efficiently into the bloodstream, promoting faster and more effective healing of tissues and cells.


PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields.
PEMF oxygenates the blood and rejuvenates cells. Increased oxygen in the blood creates healthier cells and less inflammation which in turn reduces pain.

PRP Hair Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is an innovative treatment that uses your body’s blood plasma to help stimulate hair growth.

Weight Management

Comprehensive weight management program:
Weight loss consultation
Medication support
Nutrition support
Individualized care and accountability
Weekly visit options with a practitioner
Additional supplements
Weight loss supportive IV infusions

Vitamin and Supplement Injections


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2. Revive and Thrive
3. The Wellness Vault

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